Article Site Review: Bukisa

Saturday, December 19, 2009 , Posted by MoneyWriter at 9:12 PM

Having only heard about Bukisa about a month ago, I anticipated a pretty low rent site because I have used almost every article writing site in existence. Instead, I was very surprised to see how robust and clean it was. My favorite feature by far is the Bukisa Index. It is right at the top of your profile view and tells you how much you will make for every thousand views to your content. Currently it shows 3.53, which if you aren’t familiar with this is very high, considering that the site has to take a portion out before it comes to you.

Bukisa is a generic article writing site, so you can write about pretty much anything that strikes your fancy at the time. I started with some general how-to articles then I branched into some history and travel information. They have all done moderately well, and I think I will see even more improvement as they get some links.

Publishing content uses a fairly standard form that works well except that the first time I did it, It thought that all of my work was erased until I got an email the next day saying that it had been posted. Like other sites, write your content with a program on your computer then paste it into the site.

Keeping track of your earnings, views, and other states is relatively easy on the site and not significantly different from others that I have tested.

The community on Bukisa seemed to be relatively nonexistant at least when I looked. This isn’t really a problem for the site because you don’t need to work with others to be successful.

The Take Away

Bukisa is a solid article site that generates some good revenue. The best part about this is that it is very specific with how much it is going to pay you, so you never have to wonder if they are ripping you off because you will be able to tell immediately.

Of the basic articles sites, this one is surely a good one to try out. If you know something about this site that you want to share, tell me in the comments.

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